Privacy Policy | Manufacturing Pinhole Inspecting System | Joven Electric Co.,Ltd.

Basic policy on protection of personal information

Joven Electric Co., Ltd. recognizes the importance of protecting personal information, and we established "Policy on Handling of Personal Information" as below and everyone engaged in business will strive to handle personal information accurately and safely.

Policy concerning handling of personal information

This Protection Policy specifies basic matters to be observed in order to appropriately manage and operate the personal information held by us.

1. Compliance with laws and regulations
We will comply with laws and regulations concerning personal information.

2. Strict managenent of information
We strive to take necessary measures against unauthorized access to personal information / company information, loss of information, leakage, falsification etc.

3. Collection, use and provision of personal information
When we keep personal information, we will use it within the scope of its purpose after clarifying the purpose of use.
In addition, we will not provide personal information of customers etc. to third parties, except in case we got consent of customers etc. beforehand or when permitted by laws and regulations.
Additionally, when providing your personal information to a third party, we will limit the information to be provided to only the necessary range, oblige the provider to manage personal information through contract etc., and also conduct appropriate supervision.

4. Respecting privacy
We respect privacy and when we are required to disclose, correct, delete or stop using personal information gathered by us, we will respond to reasonable period within reasonable range.

5. Continuous Improvement
We will continuously review our efforts to protect personal information and will make improvements as necessary.

About This Site

The copyright of this site belongs to us unless otherwise stated. The copyright of the sentences, images, etc. of our company website are protected under the laws and international treaties in Japan. All or part of our website is not to be copied, reproduced, or altered without permission.

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